Rapport conac 2015 pdf

Dans le fond, le rapport 2015 presente le deploiement des. This new type of chaos report focuses on presenting the data in different forms with many charts. Most of the charts come from the new chaos database from the scal years 2011 to 2015. The conac is a public independent body which comes under the direct supervision of the head of state. Groupe guillin rapport annuel 2015 zi bp 97 25290 ornans france tel. Pdf corruption is a phenomenon with serious consequences that affects all communities in the world. Objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement rapport 2015. Annual report 2015 information, statistics, legislation. Rapport sur linvestissement dans le monde 2017 vue densemble. This report was prepared by herimandimby razafindramanana, evaluation team leader, under the. A number of demographic and socioeconomic statistics have also been derived from databases maintained by a range of other organizations. The findings of a conac inquiry can ultimately lead to disciplinary or legal proceedings.

Rapport sur le commerce et le developpement, 2015 apercu. This report describes work undertaken by fpp, together with association okani, in the. Presentation rapport sur le developpement humain 2016. Evaluations des besoins du monde pour 2017 statistiques pour 2015 eincb20162 substances psychotropes.

As in previous years, world health statistics 2015 has been compiled using publications and databases produced and maintained by who technical programmes and regional offices. Rien ne filtre pour linstant sur les sujets evoques dans le rapport. Cameroons 2015 anticorruption status report released. It thus highlights efforts made by conac, public administrative units, other state institutions. Similarly, gicam signed two memoranda of understanding mou with conac on 11th november 2014, durable. T he chaos report 2015 is a model for future chaos reports. There have only been two previous chaos reports, the original in 1994 and the 21st edition of 2014. The conac is a public independent body which comes under the direct supervision of. Des chiffres contenus dans le rapport 2017 presente ce 28 decembre a yaounde par le president dieudonne massi gams. Rapport sur linvestissement dans le monde 2017 vue d. Fouelefack jean marie le 1510 2015 fouelefack jean marie tonga le 08 octobre 2015. Rapport conac commission anti corruption rapport conac 2015.

Les creances clients selevent a 35,6 m en legere diminution par rapport a 2015. National anticorruption commission anticorruption authorities. Dieudonne massi gams, during the presentation of cameroons 2015 anticorruption status report at the yaounde hilton hotel on december 29, 2016. This 2015 synthesis report provides a crosscutting analysis of the aggregate results, complementing the executive summary published in september 2015. Le present rapport retrace lactivite dune annee des commissions departementales et nationale. Ces derniers mois ont ete tres riches avec notamment. Annual report 2015 safety and health at work is everyones concern. The national anticorruption commission conac was established by decree no. Rapport passe en revue les strategies qui ont permis une telle reussite. Does your government have a single or primary anticorruption strategy. Statistiques pour 2015previsions des besoins annuels medicaux. Aside conac, the o ce of supreme state audit is also a leading. The report on the state of the fight against corruption in cameroon was officially published on december 29, 2016, in a highly attended ceremony at the yaounde hilton hotel. Fouelefack jean marie le 15102015 fouelefack jean marie tonga le 08 octobre 2015.

Rapports etudes commission nationale anticorruption conac. Rapport entre population rurale et population urbaine dans les villes moyennes, les grandes villes et larrierepays rural, au niveau mondial et par region 22 8. Conac modellen er en systemmodell som vektlegger samspillet mellom flere faktorer, bl. In the fall of 2015, all 16 teams published standalone reports describing in greater detail their research into national ddps.